Distinguish Adhesion, Cohesion, Surface Tension and Capillary Effect
There are some phenomena that we often confuse: Cohesion, Cohesion, Surface Tension and Capillary Phenomenon.
Adhesion and cohesion are both based on the root word “hesion” which means to stick. They are nouns that describe a state of molecules sticking together.
The difference between them is that adhesion refers to the clinging of unlike molecules and cohesion refers to the clinging of like molecules.
Adhesion is the mutual attraction between dissimilar molecules that causes them to stick together. The word can be used in a more general sense to refer to any adhesive property (e.g. glues and tapes may be called adhesives, or the adhesion between the water molecule and the wall of the cup).
Cohesion is the mutual attraction between similar molecules that causes them to stick together. An example is the bond between two water molecules. Adhesion between molecules on the surface of a liquid creates Surface Tension.
The adhesion between the water and the wall of the cup creates a Meniscus or Capillary Effect.
To learn more about Cohesion, Adhesion, Surface Tension and Capillary Effect, please refer to the video we have attached.
Prostech – Specialty Materials and Manufacturing Solutions.
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Distinguish Adhesion, Cohesion, Surface Tension and Capillary Effect
Distinguish Adhesion, Cohesion, Surface Tension and Capillary Effect
Distinguish Adhesion, Cohesion, Surface Tension and Capillary Effect
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