Customers looking for the most suitable mattress can choose from a wealth of options. Foam mattresses with an increasing number of layers of latex, memory or gel foam are in vogue.

In the manufacture of foam mattresses, an increasing number of layers of sometimes different foams are laminated to each other. The adhesive used in this application has to be highly flexible and adhere to a wide range of materials. PUR hot melt adhesives meet these demands and provide a significantly faster build-up of strength compared to the frequently used dispersion adhesives. Therefore they facilitate more efficient manufacturing processes due to faster mattress packaging with less energy consumption.


PNManufacturerBaseViscosity [mPas] /
Temperature [°C]
Temperature [°C]
data sheet (PDF)
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Jowatherm-Reaktant® 639.10JowatPUR Hot Melt Adhesive14000 ± 3000 / 120110 - 130TDSRequest Quote
Jowatherm-Reaktant® 630.80JowatMonomer-Reduced PUR Hot Melt Adhesive9000 ± 3300 / 120110 - 130Request Quote
Jowatherm-Reaktant® GROW 631.20JowatPUR Hot Melt Adhesive16000 / 100100 - 120Request Quote

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