We provide a complete line of general medical assembly materials that facilitate the electrical connection, structural integrity, device protection, and thermal control required for the small form factor, mission-critical medical products. The medical materials portfolio includes:

Detailed Application

Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid is the typical medical device in the electronic and wearable category which addresses the challenges of meeting various


Useful Information

How to bond Hard-to-bond Substrates (Nylon, COC/COP and PEBA) in Medical Devices Assembly? 

In medical device assembly, substrates such as Nylon, COC/COP (cyclic olefin copolymer/polymer), and PEBA (polyether block amide) are favored for

Medical Adhesive and Typical Application in Medical Industry

Our Medical Device Adhesives are relied upon to increase output and improve efficiency when producing medical and assistive devices. A

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